Wednesday Fly By – Peanut Butter Fingers

Soooo, hi! How is your Wednesday going? I’m sitting at my computer feeling more awake than I have in days. I’ll share more about my weekend girls’ trip to Scottsdale on the blog on Friday but let’s just say I almost fell asleep on the couch at 7 p.m. on Sunday when I got back. Then, this morning, I received a message on Instagram asking me how I survived the sleepless baby days with Chase and I checked myself real fast. On Sunday when I thought I was tired, I was nowhere near newborn baby land tired. The baby days are so wild when it comes to sleep. Your bar is so incredibly low for what a “good” night of sleep looks like that when you have one that’s semi-decent you feel like you can conquer the world. And then other days you’re putting a full cup of coffee away in the kitchen cabinet only to find it the next day. (True story.)
Wednesday Morning
I slept in a bit today and woke up right around 6:30 a.m. This meant I had about 20 minutes to myself before the boys were up and I spent it letting Pepper out, reading my devotional and sipping my coffee. Then I got to work on breakfast for our gang and made a giant batch of einkorn flour Greek yogurt pancakes — some to eat and some to freeze for easy weekday morning reheating.
As I made the pancakes, the boys sat at the kitchen counter and worked on some of their latest melty bead creations. We recently restocked our bead collection and added a few more pattern books and boards to the mix so they were excited to have some new melty bead inspiration!
Once their creations were ironed, it was time for the big kids’ school drop off, so Rhett and I said goodbye to Ryan, Chase and Ryder as they headed out.
Rhett is in the phase of little kid life where he loves helping me with random chores around the house (the fun ones, not all of them) and laundry is at the top of his list. He gets the biggest kick out of spraying stains, emptying the lint trap and matching socks, so we threw a load of laundry in the washing machine and then sorted the clean clothes out of the dryer together before it was time to get dressed.
Since Ryan took the big kids to school, I took full advantage of the ability to squeeze in a quick workout before preschool drop off and headed to Burn Boot Camp with Rhett to meet up with my friend Lauren and her son.
On the way to boot camp, Rhett asked me why I like Burn so much and I explained that I like it because it helps my body stay healthy and strong so I can do things like pick him up, ride my bike, take Pepper on walks, etc. We chatted a little bit more about the importance of exercise and sleep and when I said sleep also helps you “get big and strong,” Rhett immediately corrected me and said, “No, Mom. Sleep isn’t what makes you big. It’s your birthday!” Can you tell birthdays and becoming a “big kid” is a top priority when you’re 4?
The workout at Burn today was a push/pull circuit that looked like this:
You know I love traditional heavy strength days!
After Burn, I chatted briefly with Lauren before Rhett and I had to leave for preschool. We popped into UPS to do a quick return (Rhett loves to be “scanner man” at the kiosk) and then he was off to his 1/2 day preschool.
I then drove home to grab a quick shower (hooray for dry shampoo), eat breakfast 2.0 and check in with you guys!
(Sweatshirt: Amazon / Jeans: Frame / Sneakers: Adidas / Charm Necklace: Amazon)
And now I’m blogging from the kitchen counter where I plan to spend the next 90 minutes until it’s time to pick Rhett up and log off to hang with the boys. The weather here is unbelievable (upper 60s and sunny) so we’ll be spending as much of our afterschool time outside as possible. Soccer also starts tonight for Chase!
I hope you all enjoy the rest of your Wednesday!×1024.jpg
2025-02-26 10:32:02