Life Style

How to Fix Your Mood

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woman in stripey shirt stands looking at dark clouds while wind blows her long hair to the side

What are your best tips to fix your mood when you’re in a funk? We’ve talked about this a lot over the years, including how to choose to be happy, how to turn a bad day around, and how to keep your spirits high when life stinks — but not this specifically.

How to Fix Your Mood When You’re In a Funk

A few thoughts on this…

The Big Picture With Your Moods

Depression may manifest as anger. I was just talking about this with a girlfriend last night — we’ve both, recently-ish, gone through phases when it felt like we were irrationally angry a LOT. At our kids, at people in traffic or on the street, at various customer service reps. We both realized this and sought ways to fix it, which, spoiler alert, for both of us meant antidepressants.

(For me it’s Wellbutrin, which I like because it’s weight-neutral. I don’t feel like it’s changed my personality at all, but I do feel like it’s given me an extra second or two when I feel that anger bubbling up to allow me to make a better choice in how I respond.)

Perimenopause may bring mood issues like depression and anger. Along with all the other fun like a new belly, hair loss, whackadoodle cycles, and more. Yay! Perimenopause starts for many women in their late 30s.

Identify your triggers if you can. These will be different for everyone, but if you study your worst moods you may find that there were a few “perfect storms.” For me, it’s forgetting to eat, coming off of a few nights of bad sleep — exacerbated by being in a certain time in my cycle — and then hitting a situation where I feel like people are breaking rules or previously-agreed standards, to my detriment.

Don’t be helpless. I know a lot of us feel like this at this particular moment in time, which can, ahem, be a bit of a bummer. But you may also feel helpless watching a loved one suffer, feeling like your career is careening off track, or feeling you’ve gotten yourself into a bad circumstance. Make a plan… for tomorrow. Pick one small action that you can do the next day, and maybe another one after that.

How to Fix Your Mood In the Moment

If I’m in a big funk, at this point it usually is not a surprise to me. (Although, sometimes it is and then I’m like, HEY, it’s also day 28 of my cycle!) When I am in a bad mood, though, I do a few things for myself and, ha, those around me:

  • Avoid getting hangry — eat small, frequent meals and don’t go nuts on things that will spike your blood sugar.
  • Go to bed early, or at least retire to your bed with an easy book (I’ve called them brain candy in the past!) or a happy show you can binge — but the goal really should be getting a lot of sleep to help your brain reset.
  • Don’t doomscroll — easier said than done, I know, but I find that the extra dopamine just keeps my brain whirling and jumping from topic to topic in my head. I don’t find pictures of animals particularly soothing, but many people do!
  • Focus on sensory input if you can’t go to bed — this may look like baking bread (kneading the dough in particular is great for this), going to the store to touch different types of fabrics, digging in your garden. Snuggle with your pet or a loved one.
  • Exercise or go for a walk — again, focus on the sensory input. The breeze in your hair, the color of the grass or city signs around you, the smells.
  • Do something absorbing — for me this may be singing (loudly and off key!) or going to an aerobics class that I have to pay attention to. If I do something more repetitive like weightlifting, running, or swimming laps, I just end up in my own head.

Readers, what about you — what are your thoughts on how to fix your mood?

Stock photo via Stencil.

2025-02-06 12:43:36

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