Calling All Commenters: Please Update and/or Check In!

I was thinking that one of the best parts of this blog is the commenters and community, and that maybe it would be a great idea to start a tradition at the end of the year where we have a check-in thread. For example, if you’ve shared dilemmas or dramas with us, please come and let us know how things turned out. But also — if you have, at any point, posted under a regular username, please check in and just let people know how you’re doing.
(If you have NEVER posted under a regular username, maybe now is the time to start, if only for this thread? Suggested names: your favorite book character, the acronym for your life motto (or, hey, your full life motto), your childhood pet’s name + the name of the street you grew up on…)
Suggested topics: What were your big wins for the year, professionally or personally? Is anything big or new going on in either sphere? Are you planning anything you’re excited about, or have you recently seen some plans come to fruition?
(We’re going to continue to have daily TPS threads through the holidays, but traffic is usually low during this time of the year, so we’re planning on pausing new articles until after the New Year.)
Stock photo via Stencil.
2024-12-20 12:02:00