Defense Ministry orders five fast attack ships from Israel Shipyards

Israel’s Ministry of Defense will buy five “Reshef” class Sa’ar fast attack missile ships from Israel Shipyards at a cost of NIS 2.8 billion. This is one of the largest Israel-made procurement deals in recent years, and is part of the Ministry of Defense’s policy of strengthening independent Israeli arms production. The deal has been approved by the ministerial procurement committee and the Knesset joint committee on the defense budget.
The new Reshef class ship will be the most advanced in the Israel Navy. It’s a multi-mission ship developed in conjunction with the Navy, and carries the most advanced weapons systems produced by Israel’s defense industry. Its advanced technology is designed to give the Israel Navy exceptional capabilities and maritime supremacy. The Reshef class vessels will replace the Navy’s veteran “Nirit” class Sa’ar 4.5 ships, which will be decommissioned after forty years.
Under the agreement with the Ministry of Defense, Israel Shipyards will build and supply to the Israel Navy five Reshef class ships over a period of six years, with an option on further orders.
Published by Globes, Israel business news – – on December 12, 2024.
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2024-12-12 10:25:17