Life Style

A Tuesday Check-In – Peanut Butter Fingers

Hey friends! How are you? I’m coming at you this morning with an extra foamy whole milk latte in hand, ready to chat in real time! I love any chance I get to blog in real time these days so this feels like a treat for me.

A Tuesday Check-In


Last night I was up waaay too late reading and didn’t fall asleep until sometime after 1 a.m. Why do I do this to myself!? Hopefully I’ll catch up on sleep tonight but I was restless and clearly enjoying my book enough to finish reading Maybe Once, Maybe Twice in two nights. (I’ll share my thoughts on the book on Friday but it felt like a fresh take on your average romance read.) I ended up sleeping in a bit and awoke to Rhett climbing in our bed to make a blanket fort with me at 6:30 a.m. Not a bad way to begin the day with a little snuggle bunny under my covers!

I then got myself up, made breakfast for our crew and packed up backpacks for the day. Eventually it was time to say goodbye to Ryan, Chase and Ryder but not before Ryan hung this cutie little mistletoe I nabbed for $10 at Target yesterday.

mistletoe target

It’s the little things, I’m tellin’ ya. I had a friend last year say that holiday decorations “fill in the blanks of a home” and I feel that way, too. Homes are just cozier and lovelier during the holiday season. We put up all of our decorations last week (super early, I know) and I have no regrets.


I love the mornings Ryan is able to help with the big kids’ drop off because it feels like I get a jumpstart on my day. The extra time I save from running the boys to multiple drop-offs means I can often sneak in a workout before the day really begins which frees up my preschool mornings for work time and other random to-dos.

beyond yoga orange crop top

(Top: Beyond Yoga — found it resale here / Sports Bra: Amazon (the one we all love!) / Leggings: Beyond Yoga but old / Sneakers: Reebok / Watch: Garmin / Phone case: PopSocket

Peek-a- boo Rhetty Roo!

After a little coloring time with Rhett, we had enough time to head out to take the 8 a.m. camp at Burn Boot Camp. We meet up with my friend Lauren and her son and as the kids played in child watch, we went through a super sweaty metabolic conditioning workout.

burn boot camp metabolic conditioning workout

We had 14 minutes to go through as many rounds as possible of AMRAP #1 before moving onto AMRAP #2. I was actually in the group that began with AMRAP #2 and can confidently say AMRAP #1 was definitely the harder of the two and had me breathing heavy. If you try this workout at home, I’d definitely start with AMRAP #1 and get it out of the way. Phewyyy!

After the workout was done, it was off to preschool drop off! Once Rhett was settled in his classroom, I drove home, let Pepper out and took a quick shower before making myself breakfast 2.0.

joy sweatshirt target

(JOY Sweatshirt: Target / Slip Skirt: Target but old — this one looks identical / Sneakers: adidas / Crossbody: Amazon / Necklace: Amazon)

Second breakfast looked like a yogurt bowl with all the fixings!

yogurt bowl

In my bowl: Siggi’s plant-based peach yogurt, whole milk Greek yogurt, pumpkin seeds, granola and Catalina Crunch. A quick note about Catalina Crunch: Ryan loves it but I do not like monk fruit as a sweetener and taste it too much when I eat the cereal plain. It’s good in yogurt bowls though because the yogurt hides the monk fruit taste but you still get that yummy crunch and an added boost of protein.

As I ate, I caught up on work and and now I’m sitting at the kitchen counter wrapping up today’s blog post before heading out to make a quick grocery run before preschool pickup. Plans for the rest of the day include the usual afternoon activity run (martial arts for the big kids) and then my mother-in-law and Les arrive in town from Florida early this evening! We’ve majorly lucked out with visitors lately (my dad was here this past weekend and it was such a wonderful visit) and we are thrilled to have a revolving door of our favorite people heading our way this November. Bring on the family fun!

Have a great Tuesday, my friends!

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2024-11-12 10:54:42

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