750 apartments approved for Tel Aviv’s Ramat Hahayal

The Tel Aviv Local Planning and Building Committee has dismissed objections to Dan Real Estate’s planned project at the entrance to Tel Aviv’s Ramat Hahayal.

The Tel Aviv Local Planning and Building Committee has dismissed objections to Dan Real Estate’s planned project at the entrance to Tel Aviv’s Ramat Hahayal, in which the bus parking lot will be replaced by 750 housing units.

The bus parking lot is between Shikun Dan and Ramat Hahayal between Mishmar Hayarden, Raoul Wallenberg, Pinchas Rosen and Nahlaot Streets. On the site 13 mixed-use buildings will be constructed with 750 apartments and commercial space on the ground floor of some of the buildings.

There will be a diverse mix of apartments, with 25% of them small apartments (about 50 square meters), 66% between 75-100 square meters and the balance averaging 110 square meters. 112 apartments will be allocated for long-term rentals of 25 year leases.

Some 100 objections against the plan were rejected when the Tel Aviv Local Planning and Building Committee met last Wednesday and the plan was approved. The first building permits for the project should be issued in the coming few months, with construction expected to begin in about two years.

Published by Globes, Israel business news – en.globes.co.il – on December 15, 2024

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Tel Aviv’s Ramat Hahayal Photo: Shutterstock




2024-12-15 06:55:42

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